Registration for UNION-IP RT Winter 2025


Dear IP practitioner,

Dear UNION-IP member,

Thank you for your interest to attend our 2025 Winter Round Table, taking place on February 28, at the DPMAForum of the German Patent and Trademark Office (Munich).

We kindly ask you to fill out our form and we look forward to welcoming you in Munich!

Please select the appropriate fee.
Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist ungültig.
Regular E-Mil address that will be used for communicaiton matters.
Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist ungültig.
Alternative E-Mail address to send the invoice (only if required)
Name of your company
You may put in the VAT-number of the firm. Please bear in mind that the paricipant amount is free of VAT.
If you need to receive a formal invoice, please tick this box! The Invoice will be sent to the E-Mail address abonve.
If you want to receive announcement for furzter UNION-IP events, plesast tick the box.